Sunday, February 15, 2009

8 Miles

My plan was to get up and run 8 miles Saturday, but as I crawled out of bed around 10:00 I just was not feeling it and since it was Valentines Day I was not going to push it. I did a little cleaning and went to the store, but as I was driving home the sun came out and I kept thinking of the route I had planned out. I kept thinking about it and knew that I would be so disappointed if I did not run as this was my last real chance to get a long run in before my cruise!

I went home, changed my clothes and was out the door before I changed my mind. I ran my favorite Magnolia loop and was feeling good as I was reaching 6 miles. I stopped to grab a few pictures along the way to help you see what an amazing view I have while running.

This is looking out at Alki.

I made the loop and started running down 15th towards downtown Seattle. Not my favorite rode to run on. Lot's of smelly cars that are close to the sidewalk and not looking out for pedestrians at intersections or business driveways. Ran to the edge of Belltown and looped back home. Started to feel like crap around mile 7 and the last mile was not pretty, but I made it.

Feeling a little stiff today, but overall am impressed with myself. I can't believe I just ran 8 freakin miles! Happy Valentines Day to ME!

2/14/09 - 8.01 miles, 90.18 minutes


  1. FAB! And what a beautiful day you had!

  2. I am jealous. I havent ran for five days! i hate having to get back in the groove. You are so awesome!

  3. Holy smokes! You are a runner. I didn't know you had this blog (I clicked the link from your blog). Anyway, I want you to know that you're inspiring. A long time ago you posted the link to the "couch potato to 3K" on your blog and I am using it. Honestly, I don't have any desire to run a marathon, or a half marathon, or any marathon, but I tolerate and almost enjoy the workout. It makes running much more bearable (I hate running and working out). Thanks for encouraging me to workout. I'll let you know when I hit the 3K (I just started the program, it might be a while until I get there).

  4. Janey - It was beautiful and fairly warm.

    Mel - Keep in up, but yes getting back into it is never fun.

    Larissa - Congrats on starting. I honestly think that is the hardest part. Keep me posted.

  5. WOW! Nice going. I have never done 8 miles before. You are a champ! Keep it up!
