Thursday, September 30, 2010

I'm back in the game

So. I ran 6 1/2 marathons in the course of a year and decided that in 2011 I'm going to run a full marathon. The Top Of Utah Marathon to be exact. I decided this one because I have a friend that will run it with me and the slight downhill course makes it a bit easier then any hilly course I could find her in Seattle. So to all of you in Utah or those that want to travel there next September, you have a year to train. You can do it.

Today was the first day I've ran in longer then I'd like to admit. It felt great. My knees were a little tired by the end, but I missed it. I missed the fresh air, the sound of my shoes hitting the pavement, watching other on the trail, and that amazing feeling I get when I'm done. Needless to say, I'm back with a big goal, but one I'm going to meet.

Can't wait to run my ass of...literally.