Monday, May 11, 2009

So much running

Ok...I have got to be better about this. I'm forgetting the details.

4/6/09 - 3.01 miles, 32.49 minutes
Greenlake run.

4/9/09 - 3.01 miles, 33.03 minutes
Greenlake run again.

4/11/09 - 5.02 miles, 54.36 minutes
Mapped out my course and hit the road. Spokane is not as friendly of a running town as Seattle. The sidewalks suck and traffic does not stop for you. Rude. The weather was nice and it was fun to run through my old stomping grounds. Running past Hart Field always brings back great memories of my high school adventures.

4/13/09 - 3.00 miles, 34.34 minutes

4/17/09 - 4.69 miles, 52.58 minutes
The great thing about running in Salt Lake is the long strait roads. The bad thing would be the altitude. It was hotter then I'm use to, but I enjoyed seeing all the cute homes in Sugar House. At one point I ran past a guy in a truck that I swore was Dewey, but it was not his truck so I did not think too much of it. When I got back I had a voice mail from him telling me to call. Turns out it was him. I guess along with a new wife he also got a new car. Talk about small world.

4/21/09 - 3.04 miles, 34.13 minutes
Ran around Magnolia after my gym appointment. I'm getting sick of Greenlake and this way I don't have to drive across town to get there.

4/23/09 - 3.13 miles, 33.28 minutes

4/25/09 - 6.01 miles, 69.33 minutes
Woke up and run the same Magnolia loop around the neighborhood. There is the one steep hill that gets me every time. I make it half way and have to walk because I start to feel like I'm running backwards. I'm trying to "secret" this hill and one day I will make it all the way running.

4/28/09 - 3.03 miles, 33.53 minutes
Ran around Magnolia after my gym appointment.

4/30/09 - 6.02 miles, 68.35 minutes
It had been rainy for a few days and the sun was so enticing to me I left work a little early and hit up my Magnolia loop hoping to run along the water as the sun was setting. It was the most amazing and beautiful run. I needed to clear my head and this as just the thing. I also had the greatest run in with my new running friend. You can read about it here.

5/4/09 - 2.61 miles, 30.37 minutes
Cold and rainy out so crappy treadmill run. Clearly not my best work.

5/8/09 - 3.02 miles, 32.50 minutes
Ran around Magnolia after my gym appointment.

5/9/09 - 7.10 miles, 78.24 minutes
Found my new favorite running trail, the Burke Gilman. Ran from Fred Meyer to the Institute. My plan was to get water at the Institute and head back, but when I got there the door was locked. Lucky the missionaries were there to let me in. I always feel so slow when I run because everyone other runner passes me, but this time I passed a biker...yes a biker. So they were going extremely slow, but I still passed a biker. Felt amazing after this run. The sun was shinning, the fresh scenery was beautiful and my legs were feeling strong. Could have kept going.

5/11/09 - 3.02 miles, 32.20 minutes
Greenlake again, but picked the perfect time of day to run. Hardly anyone was out except for the old man walking his cat?

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